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In the 21st century, technological advancement has brought mankind towards a new area where both hardware and software have become an indispensable part of daily life. The comfort of being unlimitedly connected with any point on the planet at any Time has let to an overdependence on IT systems and machines.

Man has gotten less and less capable to perform tasks without the use of technology, becoming weaker and more vulnerable to environmental changes, such as breakthrough inventions or infrastructural malfunctions.

The extreme use of machines has substantially impacted on daily life but also on Planet Earth and its fragile echosystem, resulting into wild exploitation, mining and exhaustion of natural resources, pollution, heat and many other negative effects on the known world.

Pushed by a unstoppable crave for advancement, along with the greed for money, the Human race crossed a line of non return, allowing the freedom for Machines to elaborate data independently and make their own decisions, in the attempt of simplifying man’s life and keep the parabolic growth of the system running.

This attempt of creating a society where humans do not need to work and machines are at their service, pretty quick turned into a failure that marked the beginning of a great decline for the human race.

As history repeats, here comes the second Dark Age, called “Night Age”. This one-way ticket to Tech was just the beginning of a domino effect…

In the 21st century, technological advancement has brought mankind towards a new area where both hardware and software have become an indispensable part of daily life. The comfort of being unlimitedly connected with any point on the planet at any Time has let to an overdependence on IT systems and machines.

Man has gotten less and less capable to perform tasks without the use of technology, becoming weaker and more vulnerable to environmental changes, such as breakthrough inventions or infrastructural malfunctions.

The extreme use of machines has substantially impacted on daily life but also on Planet Earth and its fragile echosystem, resulting into wild exploitation, mining and exhaustion of natural resources, pollution, heat and many other negative effects on the known world.

Pushed by a unstoppable crave for advancement, along with the greed for money, the Human race crossed a line of non return, allowing the freedom for Machines to elaborate data independently and make their own decisions, in the attempt of simplifying man’s life and keep the parabolic growth of the system running.

This attempt of creating a society where humans do not need to work and machines are at their service, pretty quick turned into a failure that marked the beginning of a great decline for the human race.

As history repeats, here comes the second Dark Age, called “Night Age”. This one-way ticket to Tech was just the beginning of a domino effect…

The edge of the horizon

#64 is an EQUATION synthetising the mechanism of REALITY, conceived to unveil the secrets of the Universe.

#64 is the eternal chase of the unattainable, that sees protagonist the human race and its search for answers that are above its comprehension.

The SQUARE represents the edge of knowledge containing the totality of known REALITY, beyond which lies the UNKNOWN (the Variable #).

The Human Race keeps chasing the horizon in the attempt of grasping the edge of it, and leaning out to see what’s on the other side. But its line keeps on escaping, leaving us in an endless crave for answers, that will culminate with the end of our brief human life.

The more we keep on with our quest for the unattainable TRUTH, the more we become aware and realise that knowledge is not for us to take. With this wisdom, we accept our limits and resize our expectations to reach the “Infinite”, replacing them with the awareness that all we will ever be able to see is the “INDEFINITE”, Unknown and unknowable.

Is the search for knowledge, discovery and advancement characterising human nature going to mark the demise of our race?

#64 is an EQUATION synthetising the mechanism of REALITY, conceived to unveil the secrets of the Universe.

#64 is the eternal chase of the unattainable, that sees protagonist the human race and its search for answers that are above its comprehension.

The SQUARE represents the edge of knowledge containing the totality of known REALITY, beyond which lies the UNKNOWN (the Variable #).

The Human Race keeps chasing the horizon in the attempt of grasping the edge of it, and leaning out to see what’s on the other side. But its line keeps on escaping, leaving us in an endless crave for answers, that will culminate with the end of our brief human life.

The more we keep on with our quest for the unattainable TRUTH, the more we become aware and realise that knowledge is not for us to take. With this wisdom, we accept our limits and resize our expectations to reach the “Infinite”, replacing them with the awareness that all we will ever be able to see is the “INDEFINITE”, Unknown and unknowable.

Is the search for knowledge, discovery and advancement characterising human nature going to mark the demise of our race?


The decomposed form of the EQUATION is # x [6+4]. Its result equals the summed value of All Things.

The SQUARE represents the edge of knowledge containing the totality of known REALITY, beyond which lies the UNKNOWN (the Variable #). 

As the value of Known Reality inside the Square increases, what’s outside of it proportionally decreases, taking in a piece of the Unknown # “Hashtag”.

The SQUARE contains two elements: the 6 and the 4, whose sum accounts for the totality of Known Reality, at a given point in Time. The 6 and the 4 (or the 4 and the 6, by the commutative property) are the closest and most similar different numbers in the range between 1 and 10. They are complementary, and their sum forms a “Perfect 10”.

Like with magnets, their diversity allows attraction and Constant Motion, an Entropy which would not exist if the two elements were too far from each other (like 1 and 9) or at the same place (a 5 with another 5).

The 6 and the 4 are thus two different elements, but still very alike.

On a cartesian graph, they are placed at the same height, which means they do not try to submit each other, but are equal instead. In this state of chaos and harmony, the 6 and the 4 form the “Perfect Couple”: in their diversity, they meet and complement each other, just like the 2 sides of the Apple in the Androgyne Myth.


The dot at the edge of the #64 Square symbolises a given Moment, which unstoppably keeps on rolling forward – pushed by TIME.

TIME is the Engine of the Universe. It is the unstoppable and uncontrollable force that moves in one single direction, determining the inevitability of Change.

At each single Moment in Time, All things in the Universe keep on changing, as the Unknown becomes Known and new Truth is unveiled.

That happens due to the repeated encounters of Perfect Couples, each time a 6 and the 4 reunite in a Perfect 10, LOVE forms. Each individual existing thing is composed by at least 2 Elements.

The dot at the edge of the #64 Square symbolises a given Moment, which unstoppably keeps on rolling forward – pushed by TIME.

TIME is the Engine of the Universe. It is the unstoppable and uncontrollable force that moves in one single direction, determining the inevitability of Change.

At each single Moment in Time, All things in the Universe keep on changing, as the Unknown becomes Known and new Truth is unveiled.

That happens due to the repeated encounters of Perfect Couples, each time a 6 and the 4 reunite in a Perfect 10, LOVE forms. Each individual existing thing is composed by at least 2 Elements.


Unveiling Truth about the future is a slow and complex quest.

#64 and its Philosophy can be discovered through items of the present Age, which hold Knowledge useful to expanding your horizons.


Kept secrets shall be disclosed. Take a journey to the future of our world.




Memories and scenes from the future, awaiting to be revealed.




Secrets untold and truths undiscovered.


Embark on a journey to the Unknown, and expand your horizons with undiscovered knowledge.

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